Wholesale Taxidermy Rug Making

ABC RUGS   Custom Exotic Rugs, Pillows and Home Decor and gifts!

Call Us at (903)922-1505


  patchwork rug with leather binding  zebra rug with leather binding 

As a leading Taxidermy rugging wholesaler, we take pride in offering the highest quality rug and pillow work available. We are dedicated to serving the needs of our customers each and every day. We have been making safari and hunting memories last with our services for over 15 years.

Receive unparalleled services and products from ABC Rugs and Pillows. Our business is dedicated to becoming one of the top Taxidermy rugging services in the industry. We work hard to make sure that we always satisfy your needs.

Our office hours are from 9am to 5pm weekdays.

Other hours by appointment only.

Call today for a price quote and current turn around time!